Monday, 22 January 2024

A Sad Loss

We are very sorry to report the sudden death of Miriam Owen who has been part of the Petrona Judging Team for several years. Miriam was well known, respected and loved, particularly in the Scandi-crime world, and we will miss her and her expertise very much.

Fellow judge and friend Ewa Sherman shared this photo from Iceland Noir 2014 and with her permission I've included it below.

As regards this year's Petrona, with the kind permission of the CWA, Petrona Award co-creator and former judge, and current judge for the Crime Fiction in Translation Dagger, Sarah Ward will be helping out with the first round of judging. We may recruit a guest judge at the long/shortlist stage if required. We hope to have a new full-time judge in place for Petrona 2025.

Miriam and Ewa, 2014.